On July 12, 2024, the Regulation on Artificial Intelligence was published in the Official Journal of the European Union. Among other things, the regulation explicitly classifies AI applications for credit scoring as high-risk AI applications and imposes certain obligations on banks using them. It came into force on August 2, 2024.
Dr Ludwig von Moltke and Maximilian Adelhoefer about the regulatory requirements for financing in times of crisis pursuant to BTO 1.2.5 MaRisk
For several decades, so-called Interbank Offered Rates (IBORs) have been used as a benchmarking base rate for interest in global financial markets. Since 1 January 2022 this has been replaced by the so-called risk-free rates.
Der EuGH hat mit Urteil vom 9. September 2021 neue Vorgaben für die Dokumentation von Verbraucherkrediten definiert. Dies führt zu neuen Klagerisiken und vielfach zu Nachbesserungsbedarf. Wir bieten einen Überblick über die Entscheidung.
The EU-Regulation on European Crowdfunding Service Providers (ECSP) is final and about to become law – read more for a brief analysis of its scope and main features.
The Corona / COVID-19 pandemic leads to the normally rare issue whether there is a “Material Adverse Event” under loan facility agreements. Here is our analysis from the German law perspective.
Welche konkreten Maßnahmen wurden bereits beschlossen und was müssen betroffene Unternehmen tun, um die Finanzhilfen zu nutzen?
The EBA recently published its Report on Big Data and Advanced Analytics (EBA/REP/2020/01) in the financial sector. In the medium run, directives and the stricter enforcement of standards are to be expected. In our blog post we outline the role this topic already plays under current German law.
If offering their services to customers residing in Germany, crowdinvesting-platforms should pay attention to some new important German rules which will enter into force this summer.
Der BGH hat in aktuellen Urteilen verschiedener Zivilsenate die Transparenzanforderungen für die Wirksamkeit von sog. qualifizierten Nachrangklauseln in Darlehen, einschließlich in als Darlehen ausgestalteten Vermögensanlagen, näher definiert. Sechs mal neun lautet die Rechnung, wenn man sich Nachrangklauseln mit qualifiziertem Rangrücktritt des Gläubigers in Standardverträgen rechnerisch nähern will.